And what makes the double four-in-hand one of our favorite tie knots
The double four-in-hand is one of my absolute favorite tie knots. It is the knot I wear almost exclusively. And it’s also the knot I get asked to do a tutorial on most often. But first, let’s talk just briefly about why I think the double four-in-hand is one of the best tie knots out there.
For my money, there’s no other tie knot with the same brand of style and casual ease than the double four-in-hand. It’s simple. It’s not perfectly symmetrical. And with it’s double wrap around, it’s got an element of style that you only see when you look at it more closely.
Also, as a guy with a shorter torso, that double wrap really helps “shorten” the tie a little making them not appear as if they’re too long or forcing me to tuck the narrow end into my shirt.
| WEARING | Suitsupply blazer, Peter Millar shirt, Banana Republic pants, Drake’s tie and pocket square, Rolex watch, Shoes c/o Tommy Hilfiger | PHOTOGRAPHY | by Rob McIver Photo
It’s important to note that while a double four-in-hand knot works with most ties, it does not work with all ties. This is not the knot to use with a thick wool tie as the thickness of the fabric would make the tie knot so incredibly large that it would appear utterly ridiculous.
Below are the steps for how to tie the double four-in-hand with a gif to help illustrate. If that moves too fast for your taste, we’ve also got each frame along with the instructions in the slideshow above. Enjoy!
Step By Step: How To Tie a Double Four In Hand Knot
1. Start with the wide end on the left, narrow end on the right. Be sure the narrow end is higher up to account for the double wrap to come.
2. Cross the wide end over the narrow end.
3. Bring the wide end behind the narrow end.
4. Wrap around. Important! Keep your index finger inside the wrap as you continue with the next few steps.
5. Cross behind again.
6. Wrap around once more and hold in place. Important! Wrap around a little higher this time, leaving a bit of the first wrap exposed. This helps create the double four-in-hand’s signature look.
7. While holding the wrapped portion, bring the wide end under and up.
8. Thread all the way up and over.
9. Thread the wide end through the wrapped portion. Important! As you begin to pull it through, transfer the wrapped part to your other hand and hold at the top as you pull the wide end through.
10. Pull the wide end all the way through, still holding the wrapped portion from the top.
11. Tighten the knot.
12. Slide the knot up and adjust.
Bonus Tip: Pull the two ends apart slightly at the knot to give it a more casual, nonchalant and less-perfect appearance.
Thanks for reading.
Stylishly Yours,
Brian Sacawa
He Spoke Style