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Grind - He Spoke Style
Grind - He Spoke Style


March 20th, 2014

Sweater – thanks to Reiss
Dish – Local grocery (similar)
Coffee – Stumptown
Watch – Timex

I’ve already mentioned that I start my mornings off with a cup of coffee. And last week I talked about taking my time and really enjoying the process of doing certain things, like shaving. Another process I am fond of is making my coffee. It begins with weighing my beans in a dish, grinding them up (this is a great option for travel), dumping the ground coffee into a filter in my Chemex, and pouring water just off the boil. Always worth the extra time and effort.

What are some of the things you will always take the time to do?

Thanks for reading.

Stylishly Yours,

He Spoke Style

Photography by Rob McIver Photo.

Brian Sacawa

Brian Sacawa is the Founder of He Spoke Style and one of the original men’s style influencers. Since 2013, his goal has remained the same: to provide men the advice and inspiration they need to dress well, develop their personal style, and gain more confidence. Brian’s interest and passion for men’s style and luxury watches has led to his writing for The Robb Report, The Rake, and Sotheby’s and he has been quoted on menswear in publications such as The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal,, Brides Magazine, and the Huffington Post. He lives in the woods north of Baltimore with his wife, Robin, kitties Nick and Nora, and German Shepherd/Collie mix Charlie.

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