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December Looks - He Spoke Style
December Looks - He Spoke Style

December Looks

January 1st, 2014

Happy New Year, everyone! New Year’s Day is a time to make plans, set goals, and anticipate what exciting things and adventures await. It’s also a time to reflect on the year that was. For me, 2013 was a very special year. When I launched the blog in late-February, I could not have foreseen the reception it has since received. It is extremely humbling and I am thankful to all my readers for your support in helping to make it so successful. Knowing that so many of you find the blog inspiring is what keeps me going and I am forever grateful. Thank you, all. 2014 promises to be even more exciting, but before I get ahead of myself, let’s take a look back at what I wore on the blog in December.

December was all about events and going places. I started the month off with a trip to NYC for a full day of brand meetings. After that, it was party time. I wore my velvet blazer out to cocktail hour and also took the ultimate creative liberty with a black tie dress code. For a holiday party, I wore a bold plaid blazer and for New Year’s Eve I gave my blue suit a semi-formal upgrade with some braces and an elegant and simple black bow tie. And in name of style in the cold, I sported an all-grey ensemble, gave an otherwise simple look a dapper accent with a silk scarf, and trotted out one of my favorite winter coats when I picked out my Christmas tree. Finally, I debuted my saxophone on the blog.

Which look was your favorite? Shop some of my key December style pieces above, and, tell me, what New Year’s Resolutions have you made for yourself this year?

Thanks for reading.

Stylishly Yours,

He Spoke Style

Photography by Rob McIver Photo.

Brian Sacawa

Brian Sacawa is the Founder of He Spoke Style and one of the original men’s style influencers. Since 2013, his goal has remained the same: to provide men the advice and inspiration they need to dress well, develop their personal style, and gain more confidence. Brian’s interest and passion for men’s style and luxury watches has led to his writing for The Robb Report, The Rake, and Sotheby’s and he has been quoted on menswear in publications such as The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal,, Brides Magazine, and the Huffington Post. He lives in the woods north of Baltimore with his wife, Robin, kitties Nick and Nora, and German Shepherd/Collie mix Charlie.

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After Christmas Sales - He Spoke Style
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