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HSS at Four: Tipping Point

February 17th, 2017

A look ahead to some exciting things in the works this year and beyond

I’d be lying if I said I didn’t think this past year flew right by. It seems like just yesterday that I wrote last year’s anniversary post and now I’m sitting down to pen another.

While I had a lot to say last year about the state of men’s style blogs, I’m not going to go down that path this time around. Why? It’s not that I still don’t have things to say about the issues I raised last year – if you’re at all interested in these sorts of insider insights, I’m just going to make one more plug for last year’s piece – but it’s that I feel that we have moved way beyond them.

If we learned anything from diving into our analytics from last year – both your favorite and our favorite posts – it’s that we know what works and staying the course, despite the lure of diverging for some fleeting instant gratification, is one of our best qualities.


It is one of the reasons we’ve been able to cultivate a discerning editorial voice and, hopefully, like the individual who listens to NPR even during the pledge drives, the reason you are taking the time to read this very sentence.

That said, I’ve never been one to simply stay with “the known”. Complacency is a sin, in my book. So, I thought for this year’s anniversary post, I’d get you up to speed on some exciting things we have in store for you this year as HSS continues to evolve.


| WEARING | Al Bazar blazer, Brooks Brothers shirt, Banana Republic pants, Garrett Leight sunglasses, Seaward & Stearn tie, Drake’s pocket square, Rolex watch, Carmina loafers | PHOTOGRAPHY | by Rob McIver Photo

More video content. Recently, you may have noticed a bit of a slowdown in our website editorial. I assure you that it was not intentional, but turned out to be somewhat necessary as we continue to dial in our workflow to balance our commitment to the site and our work on the channel.

We have been hard at work creating video content to enhance some of our most popular posts and stretching ourselves creatively to bring you a different type of content experience with video. The addition of a new, dedicated team member, is going to aid greatly as we continue to do more with this medium.

Our immediate goal is to bring you at least one video a week. And judging by the feedback we’ve received on YouTube, Facebook and Instagram, this is a direction you guys are fully supporting.


The HSS Shop. This is an exciting one for me. It’s something that I’ve been talking about with close associates for a little over a year now and we are on track to launch in the fall.

What will the shop be? Well, that’s where it gets really interesting. First, I’ll tell you what we’re not going to be. A reseller. No. Items that will be available in the HSS Shop will be exclusive collaborations with brands we respect for their focus on quality and craftsmanship. Limited edition, curated, signature items. And when things are gone, they’re gone.

The brands we are currently working with are absolutely fantastic and I can’t wait to unveil what we’ve got cooking.


Event hosting. This is completely new territory for us, but something that we are very excited about because of the ability it gives us to strengthen the bonds we already have with our readers.

The first opportunity for us to meet in person will be happening in May! And if you want to know when, where and with whom we’ll be partnering with for this event, please tune in to our special Facebook Live event at 12:30 p.m. EST today!


Thanks for another amazing year and, as always, for reading.

Stylishly Yours,

Brian Sacawa
He Spoke Style

Brian Sacawa

Brian Sacawa is the Founder of He Spoke Style and one of the original men’s style influencers. Since 2013, his goal has remained the same: to provide men the advice and inspiration they need to dress well, develop their personal style, and gain more confidence. Brian’s interest and passion for men’s style and luxury watches has led to his writing for The Robb Report, The Rake, and Sotheby’s and he has been quoted on menswear in publications such as The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal,, Brides Magazine, and the Huffington Post. He lives in the woods north of Baltimore with his wife, Robin, kitties Nick and Nora, and German Shepherd/Collie mix Charlie.

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