Tying a tie, and specifically dimpling a tie, is one of those menswear details that can often seem mysterious. It’s also one of those things that we see—at least on guys who do it well—that just seems so effortless and tossed off. Like, it either happens or it doesn’t. Nothing could be further from the truth.
While there are a few variables that can contribute to how a tie knots and dimples—the quality and kind of fabric, for example—there is definitely a method for making it happen how you want on a consistent basis. This is actually a topic that I’ve got in the queue for an upcoming video, so be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel to see it as soon as it’s available.
In the meantime, tie your tie using your preferred knot—I always use the basic four-in-hand. As you thread the longer end of the tie through, don’t tighten it all the way, keeping it somewhat loose. Next, grab each side of the tie that’s come through the knot with either hand and push them together to create the dimple. Keeping this shape, gradually pull the rest of the tie all the way through and tighten the knot.
BONUS TIP: When you’ve got it just about right and just before the knot is tight, you can move the dimple around and adjust to your liking, much like you can play around with your pocket square to get the fold just right. As always, a little practice goes a long way.
This Look: Coat by Tokyo Laundry (similar here and here) – Sweater by J.Crew – Shirt c/o Banana Republic – Pants by Brooks Brothers (part of suit) – Scarf by Gap (old, similar here) – Tie c/o Eton (similar here) – Hat by Cappello (similar here) – Gloves by Brooks Brothers (similar here) – Watch by Timex – Belt and Shoes c/o Allen Edmonds
How do you make the perfect tie dimple? And what’s your favorite tie knot?
Thanks for reading.
Stylishly Yours,
He Spoke Style
Photography by Rob McIver Photo.