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how to wear flannel trousers
how to wear flannel trousers

Always In Style: Grey Flannel Trousers

January 29th, 2020

An essential pair of winter Trousers

By now many of our regular readers here at HSS know the importance of building a versatile wardrobe. As one of the core principles we wrote about way back when, discovering how to wear our clothes in new and compelling ways is in fact how a man’s style becomes his own.

Brian has made it known many times that flannel is an amazing fabric. It’s softness and warmth are a clear choice when it comes to combating cold temperatures. There’s a reason some of the world’s most stylish and iconic men have worn flannel trousers throughout their careers.

how to wear flannel trousers

Whether you’re borrowing them from your favorite winter suit or own a great RTW pair, gray flannel trousers are indispensable and can help elevate even the simplest looks. Made from durable merino wool, flannel can become a blank canvas from which you can build a look.

how to wear flannel trousers

how to wear flannel trousers

| WEARING |Suitsupply Brown Houndstooth Jacket, Zanella Dark Gray Flannel Trousers, White Spread Collar Dress Shirt, Alden Calfskin Tassel Loafers, Maroon Knitted Tie, Drakes London Pocket Square, Breitling Pluton Navitimer | PHOTOGRAPHY | by JayPKing

I’ve always had a deep admiration for the much older, more experienced gentleman who expertly pair colors together and make them work in harmony. It has inspired me to adopt some of their stylish ways and incorporate it into my wardrobe.

how to wear flannel trousers

Wearing flannel trousers is effortless. Easily pair them with a navy blazer or a patterned jacket like the one pictured here. They look elegant and understated while the jacket appears a bit rakish. Don’t over think the rest of your look. A solid shirt and subdued tie will keep things restrained and infinitely refined.

how to wear flannel trousers

Sometimes, how a garment complements the other pieces in your wardrobe becomes more pertinent than just buying something new. Whether you’re just starting to build your wardrobe or simply want to refresh it, a pair of gray flannel trousers can be a worthwhile investment and ultimately keep your style classic and timeless.

Thanks for reading.

Stylishly Yours,

Steven D. Elliott
He Spoke Style

Photo of Steven Elliott

Steven Elliott

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