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5 Favorite Tech Things - He Spoke Style
5 Favorite Tech Things - He Spoke Style

5 Favorite // Techie Things

August 20th, 2015

I am not a tech geek by any stretch of the imagination. I can’t recite my computer’s processor speed, storage, or memory specs off the top of my head nor am I obsessive about making sure I have the most up-to-date version of something (iPhones notwithstanding). There are, however, many gadgets in my life that I love and, in some cases, simply couldn’t live without. Here are five of my favorites.

1. Mophie

Mophie Cell Phone Charger - He Spoke Style
I never go anywhere without my Mophie Powerstation. And I’m religious about keeping it fully charged. Saying it has saved my life before would be somewhat dramatic, but when part of your life is dependent on being able to use your phone, I suppose it has saved it in a small way more than once.

2. XY Findit

XY Find It - He Spoke Style
The XY Findit is a little homing device that you can put in your things – I got mine with my This Is Ground Mod 2 – to keep track of them if they ever get lost. You could probably even use it to track somebody’s movements but that’s spy movie stuff right there! You download the XY app and sync it to your phone. Simple as that. Luckily (and thankfully), I’ve not had to use it.

3. Western Digital My Passport Pro Hard Drive

Western Digital My Passport Pro Hard Drive - He Spoke Style
With over 450 posts and tons of photos tied to those posts, it’s extremely important for me to know that all of the HSS assets are safe and backed up if there ever happened to be a melt down on the internet. Now, Rob keeps triplicates of everything in various storage devices and in the cloud, but I’m often asked for specific photos in hi-res, so having them close at hand is always helpful. The Western Digital My Passport Pro is great (I have the 2TB version) because when set to RAID 1, it’s constantly backing itself up. You can’t put a price on that kind of peace of mind.

4. Apple Magic Mouse

Apple Magic Mouse - He Spoke Style
I suppose this is a bit banal, but I have to tell you that I absolutely hate using the trackpad on my laptop. Especially when it comes to editing photos and dragging things around. So I’ve always got my bluetooth magic mouse with me when I’m traveling.

5. Binary Clock

Binary Clock - He Spoke Style
I have always been fascinated with binary clocks. It’s about the nerdiest thing I’ve ever been into. If you don’t know how to read one, the person who does is like a wizard to you. But it’s actually very simple. I’m not going to tell you how but it only involves the numbers 1, 2, 4 and 8 as well as the ability to add.

Share some of your favorite tech gadgets in the comments.

Thanks for reading.

Stylishly Yours,

Brian Sacawa
He Spoke Style

Photography by Rob McIver Photo.

Brian Sacawa

Brian Sacawa is the Founder of He Spoke Style and one of the original men’s style influencers. Since 2013, his goal has remained the same: to provide men the advice and inspiration they need to dress well, develop their personal style, and gain more confidence. Brian’s interest and passion for men’s style and luxury watches has led to his writing for The Robb Report, The Rake, and Sotheby’s and he has been quoted on menswear in publications such as The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal,, Brides Magazine, and the Huffington Post. He lives in the woods north of Baltimore with his wife, Robin, kitties Nick and Nora, and German Shepherd/Collie mix Charlie.

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