Welcome to your weekly way to put off your Monday
What is it about short work weeks that bring out the crazy in everyone? Or is it just because Mercury is in Retrograde (again!)? The news, weather and last week, in general, was a basket of deplorable people unpredictable things.
You may never have feared the possibility of your Airbnb host filming you in the bedroom. But now you can!
A new place to head for a good, classic cocktail in NYC.
Are two camera lenses really going to save the iPhone 7?
Wishing we all lived in a world where we dressed and ate like Old Hollywood?
A bespoke dress shirt worth the investment.
What are the best glasses for your face shape?
Keeping our business casual-themed month rolling along with a must-have denim button down.
30 days hath September…30 outfits to wear.
I always knew that there was something devilish about Taylor Swift…
We should have seen the writing on the walls after the rise of Stan Smith sneakers. Alexander Wang is bringing back the tracksuit.
Thanks for reading.
Stylishly Yours,
Robin West
He Spoke Style