We’re back with the podcast and some New Year’s resolutions
Happy New Year! And welcome back to the podcast. It’s been a while and we’re not making any excuses – best practice among podcasters, we hear – but we are making some resolutions. In this week’s episode of That’s It, I’m sharing sharing 15 of my personal resolutions (with commentary) for 2017. I’ve listed them below for easy reference.
Brian’s 2017 Resolutions
1. Have more patience.
2. Write better. (How’s this?)
3. Always have cash for tipping valets, doormen, et al.
4. Make more time to exercise.
5. Continue to work on empathy.
6. Get serious about finding and training two interns.
8. Be able to solve more than the Monday and Tuesday New York Times crossword puzzles without having to look up an answer.
9. Fill up my notebook with more than just numbers of photo selections.
10. Build the walk-in closet that Robin and I want.
11. Be as focused as I was in 2016 when it comes to the thought and care put into what we publish.
12. Write notes to people that aren’t an email or a text message.
13. Let people know I appreciate what they do.
14. Shake hands.
15. Disconnect more often.
Chime in with your New Year’s resolutions in the comments!
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Thanks for reading.
Stylishly Yours,
Brian Sacawa
He Spoke Style
That’s It is edited by Mack McLaughlin.